Here is the essentially rather average sleeve for the new Girls Aloud album, 'Tangled Up'.

Ooh — 'stylish and appealing to people embarrassed about picking up a Girls Aloud CD in a cool 'n' happening record shop'.
Here is a marginal improvement made for 'Mixed Up', a special bonus CDs of — you won't believe this — Girls Aloud remixes. WARNING: This CD contains extremely gay remixes (Lamezma, Almighty) of songs already off the gay-ometer — 'I Think We're Alone Now', 'Jump' etc etc etc.

And finally, here is the really rather amazing 'Fan Edition' of the album, but you can only get your hands on this if you are outside Cheryl Cole's bathroom between the hours of 12am and 12.15am on November 19. She will be distributing copies through a half-open window. (NOTE: That's just our little joke. You have to buy it through their website or something if you would like to look at pictures of Girls Aloud's faces.)