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Oh God we absolutely love Tory-voting, Pete Doherty-fancying Emily from Big Brother. [audio:bbindie.mp3] [audio:bbindie.mp3] [audio:bbindie.mp3] [audio:bbindie.mp3] [audio:bbindie.mp3] Amazing. If there is one woman who completely sums up the hospitality area…
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k4_5hY6xL4 We don't mean to sound rude but if anyone's looking for a decent explanation of why pop's on its arse they don't need to look much further than 4Tune's…
Good news for fans of The Death Of Pop but bad news for fans of Actually Listening To Pop: digital radio station Capital Disney is closing down this week. We're listening…
The plot for Hilary Duff's 'Stranger' video goes a bit like this: 1. Something in an office. 2. Go for a dance. 3. New Nokia. 4. A bit of dinner. 5. Move house. Here…
Right then, it is time to watch the new Hadouken! video, 'Liquid Lives'. Click here to watch. What an amazing, low-res video grab! It's like being in 2001 or something.…
We don't know what is happening now that the Pussycat Dolls have found their new member. Asia is probably sat at home by the phone, Scott-Lee style, waiting to find…