The five young people having a drink and a joke in this picture are Daggers. We decided last Thursday that they are our new favourite band on the face of the planet.
The band have been together for a while but 2008 is shaping up to be an exciting year. They've been recording songs with Richard Stannard (Kylie, 2wo Third3) over the last few weeks, are due to pay a visit to Richard X any day now, and have also lined up some producers who are sadly top secret but very highly regarded round these parts.
This is pretty much a 'watch this space' mention of the band as it's
early days and they haven't even signed a deal yet, but they're already hinting at a perfect synthesis of pop and electro with a few guitars thrown in for good measure, so keep your eye
out for some exciting developments as the year unfolds…
They are from Manchester.
Popjustice made a flying visit to sunny Brighton a few weeks ago to visit the band in the studio. They were working on a new song, which has since become this…
…which is today's Song Of The Day and is listenable-to on the Daggers MySpace.
There are five of them but you could have deduced that from the photo. The five members are Theo (singing), Scott (synthesizing), Biz (synthesizing and singing), Jam (drumming) and Adam (guitaring). Any band where synthists and vocalists outnumber guitarists is alright by us.
» Daggers list Nine Inch Nails and Italo disco in their influences, which might seem like an odd combination but that's probably because you've never heard Ken Lazlo's original version of 'Head Like A Hole'.
They had a secret single (ie we didn't know anything about it) out last year. It was called 'Money'.
Literally amazing.
» Theo has strangely tidy hair.
They are fond of black and white photography.

Ooh — moody.
That's your lot.