It may have escaped your attention due to the chronic lack of promotion it received but Lady Gaga released an album this year.
With Christmas just around the corner and spirit of giving well and truly upon us, Lady Gaga is literally 'giving' you the chance to buy the album all over again EXCEPT:
1. With a remix disc chucked in
2. And with a DVD of the Monster Ball tour also in the package
3. AND all three discs are in their own nice card cases
4. AND! the whole lot comes in a box whose artwork is so brilliant that we can't help but feel it should have been the proper album artwork all along.
This is what the artwork looks like properly ie not in one of our amateurish photos.

The whole thing is called 'Born This Way — The Collection' and rather than spend thirty quid on it we thought you might like to win a copy.
We'll also chuck in a copy of the actually-very-nice Terry Richardson book that came out this week, and a Jedward chocolate bar.
To win, write us 100 words about your favourite song on 'Born This Way' then send your handiwork to [email protected] and we will pick a winner next week. At 1pm on Monday, to be precise.
(Robot not included.)