If you are aware of Sia, particularly her tremendous website and her attitudes towards pet rearing and maintenance, you will already consider her to be a creative lady. She does some songs too, which are also quite good.
Unfortunately she cannot be arsed to do any artwork for her new album, which is why she wants Popjustice viewers to help design the inlay for her new album, 'Some People Have Real Problems' (emo album title alert!!!!!).
As you can see from the picture to the right, she is in desperate need of something cheerful. In 2007 looking moody with an old pot is not going to help shift units.
Click here to see what she expects you to do. The winners of the competition will get their artwork included inside the new album. Please make sure they are in full colour and not in siapia.
Clearly, in asking the viewers of Popjustice to contribute 'art' she no doubt will be letting herself in for an inbox full of hurriedly scrawled cock pics, although we have a feeling that might be exactly what she is after.
Here is our submission:

(NB: We have heard some of the new album and it is FUCKING BRILLIANT.)